
Our lab welcomes applicants from any race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender identity, gender expression, caregiver and family commitments, political affiliation, sexual orientation, and eligible age or disability status. We are committed to maintaining a supportive and collaborative lab environment for doing rigorous, transparent science.

Individuals interested in joining the lab at any level should email me (Hilary) with a brief description of your research interests and experiences. You can also learn more about being a part of the lab by reading my mentorship philosophy and/or by reaching out to lab members past and present, who have indicated willingness to chat with prospective lab members. We look forward to hearing from you!

Our lab’s home, 7 George Square

Prospective Graduate students

I am not recruiting PhD students in Fall 2023. I will supervise MSc students in Fall 2023.

POstdoctoral research fellows

I do not currently have funds to support a postdoctoral research fellow. However, I am open to proposals for new lines of work that are aligned with my current research interests. Ways for postdocs to secure independent funding include:

Note that at the moment, there have not been changes to UK participation in EU research programs, or in the eligibility of EU citizens to work at UK universities. Additionally, the UK government has guaranteed to cover EU funding beyond Brexit.

Undergraduate students / Research Assistants

There are funding opportunities for undergraduate students interested in gaining research experience:


If you are interested in “visiting” in some capacity, please email Hilary.